Friday, August 20, 2010

End of First Week!!!!

Ok, well, first week is just about over. Two classes today and I'm home for the weekend. Layne has had a great week as well.  Of course, with the hectic mornings she is now convinced the only way to survive is for me to buy her a car! That way, transportation won't be an issue.

I have met some of the neatest kids ever!! From all over the place! Southern University Law Center has pulled together an awesome Class of 2013! The spirit of the faculty around here is just amazing. The teachers (though they can scare the p out you) are out for your good. Their desire for everyone to succeed is just wonderful. They are open, accessible and most of all, begging you to come in and get help whenever you need it. At the moment, I'm thinking I'll be busting their doors down.

The funny thing is the way the kids get all their info texting. Of course, as a 50-year-old I'm out of the loop. So one person can panic or hear wrong assignment work and (hee-hee-hee) they are up all night doing needless work that was not really assigned. I come to school all rested because I'm out of the loop! I have the feeling I could come up with some pretty great pranks!

Torts is the hardest class. She made us sit alphabetically. HORRIBLE! I am in the middle of a row up top. Now, she won't allow you to breathe let alone get up and go pee. So the more I thought about that the more I had to go, and the more I couldn't concentrate because I was stuck in the middle, which gave me more anxiety, which really made me have to go.  I bolted out the door as fast as I could when the class was over!

I am truly looking forward to studying with Layne all weekend, church (need prayer!), and some much needed sleep!

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Wow! What a fun day. My eyes teared up when the Chancellor said, "Welcome Class of 2013!" I met a ton of people - nobody older than me - yet. Already have homework in Civ Pro. The day was long. We got out around 4:15 or so.

Drove to my tennis match for playoffs of my mixed doubles team. We lost all three courts and are now in 2nd place with one more game to go. If the top team wins all three courts it's over. But if we win all three courts and they lose a court, well, then we could be in to go to State.

I missed Layne all day. I wished she could have been there with me to experience the day. But she was having her own fun at her 2nd day of 11th grade. She worked on a Calculus spiral and was a bit bummed about her grade. We were bummed together. But my team is awesome and I thought we all did great.

Tomorrow is another day of orientation.

Big stress is the parking and having to get there early to catch a shuttle to the Law Center building. You can't be late to class.

All in all a great day and lots of wonderful people to get to know over the next 3 years!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Teen in 11th Grade

Layne officially starts her 11th grade year today. Last night I looked over her book critique on Garrett Epps book, "To an Unknown God." Great book and pertinent to my own future studies in law. The book is about the battle for the right of Native American peyote users to use peyote in their worship services.  The case went to the Supreme Court twice and established a more concise understanding of our religious freedoms. She did a great job on the was a little bit too much fluff intermixed with the case.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Why I Am Nervous

1. My tennis team is in playoffs.
2. I really want a wheeled backpack and can't figure out why I care what kids in their 20's will think.
3. My tennis team is in playoffs.
4. Layne has work she needs me to check over...and I'll have lots of studying.
5. My tennis team is in playoffs.
6. I'll eat like I used to when studying.
7. I won't eat like I used to but will forget to feed my daughter and myself.
8. My tennis team is in playoffs.
9. Some of the books look BORING.
10. My tennis team is in playoffs and I don't know if the lineup is right.
11. What if I missed the Lord's red flags?
12. Playoffs start tonight!!!! YIKES!

Friday, August 6, 2010

6 Days and Counting

Okay, my mixed doubles tennis team is now in the playoffs! As Captain of the team, this is a great way to get rid of some of the butterflies with Law School. Well, I still have butterflies about the tennis, but they are not as severe as those that pop in when I'm thinking about the commitment to three years of school.

Layne is reading a great book by Garrett Epps. "To An Unknown God." It's about the attacks on our religious freedoms. I was reading some out loud to her to which she replied I was a "slow reader." Nerves jolted big time. If I'm a slow reader how will I survive my first year? I told her everyone reads slower when they read out loud...I'm hoping.

My stack of books grows daily. Amazon was the cheapest place. I'm not interested in books with lots of highlighting and notes from other students. Unless there was some way to determine if the former book owner had straight A's. If this were noted in Amazon notes about the book, it could possibly go for double the price...used and marked in!

Still thinking about a backpack. Saw one that's called a Brain Bag. Another for those with bad backs called an Airbag. Most everyone says don't buy a wheeled backpack as you'll look like a nerd.
I'm already a nerd: Single, Mother, 50. I should get the wheeled....


Thursday, August 5, 2010

The countdown begins! 7 days until Orientation at Southern University Law Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana! I'm nervous, excited, butterflies in the stomach, and did I say, nervous?!

My name is Susan and I just turned 50 in July! Although I had been accepted into the part-time night program at Southern, I didn't find out until last week that I could go into the full time day program. Three years instead of four. Since I'm no spring chicken, one year mattered...a lot.

My reason for only being able to enter school in the day program is my precious daughter, Layne. At 16 she's the priority in my life, the joy in my life, and the greatest blessing I could ever have hoped for. She's going to be a junior this year and there's just no way I'd leave her to herself all night, every night while I went to school. So we prayed and prayed I'd be allowed to go day. I got my schedule in the mail and there it was! Day classes! With her 4 AP classes and my schedule, well, our house will now be the official study dorm. I told her we'll be looking forward to A+'s with the amount of studying that will be going on.